I spotted the Southern Living magazine "Best Ever Cakes and Pies" edition and I really wanted it. All the pictures were completely amazing and I couldn't wait to start trying them out. The magazine was a little pricey, so every grocery store trip, I talked myself out of buying it. But today, we were at Sam's and they sell magazines at a discounted price. I could no longer resist. I immediately flipped through it when I got home and showed a few of the dessert pictures to Jeremy. I told him I would make whatever he wanted. He said he would like a strawberry cake (I'm not even going to comment on the fact that he chose strawberry over chocolate?!?! What???). The magazine didn't have a strawberry cake, but they did have a strawberry frosting and I could make just a plain white cake. Because we decided all of this at 7:30pm, I decided to cheat a little bit and use Betty to help me out with the cake part.
I baked the cakes and they looked beautiful. I let them cool on wire racks, while I whipped up the frosting, which was a combination of butter, powdered sugar, and fresh strawberries. I got out my fancy little cake plate, while I already started to imagine the gorgeous pictures that I would post on my blog. A two- layer white cake with a lovely light pink frosting with specks of delicious strawberries and garnished with sliced strawberries on top. It was going to be my blog masterpiece! Somewhere along the way, as I was frosting the cake, things went wrong. The top layer slid a little bit, but that's normal, maybe even to be expected.
But then as Jeremy came over to take a look at my masterpiece, it just broke itself into pieces . . . or maybe hunks?!?!
I couldn't even believe it! I've never seen that happen before. Instantly, I decided that I could clean up the mess, put away my camera, and never tell anyone (except for Jeremy and he doesn't care how food looks!). But what kind of a blogger would I be if I can't be honest and tell you about all my experiences in the kitchen? A prideful one. So here it is, my big mishap and my crazy falling apart cake. Any thoughts on what happened? The cakes were completely cooled- maybe the icing was a little too runny or melted? I don't know.

We still ate it and it tasted pretty good. I might be a little gun-shy with layer cakes now. I think I'll stick to cupcakes- they've not yet turned out this poorly for me. This wasn't my "best ever" by any stretch of the imagination. I'm not going to post the recipe- you can email me if you would like a copy!

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