Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Graduate

We packed up the car, our 2 little dogs and started the long trek to Tennessee. We were so excited, because Alison is graduating from college! She might actually be more excited than us!

We were exhausted by the time we arrived. As you can see Winnie, made her own little tent in the backseat and slept most of the 9 hour trip!

The graduation was on a beautiful spring morning. The sun was shining and birds were chirping. Families looked on with admiration as their graduates proudly accepted their diplomas and walked across the stage.

After the ceremony, I rushed out of the auditorium and snapped a few pictures of our graduate with her new diploma and huge smile!

After I snapped these 2 pictures, we heard a loud boom, a bolt of lightning and then, a downpour! Not a sprinkle, not a drizzle- fat, big wet drops falling hard! People screamed and scurried away. Families got separated- we couldn't even find our car!

Luckily, in the chaos, Cody had found his car and he picked us up and took us to our car. We were all a little late and a little wet for Alison's post-graduation luncheon.

Alison had a beautiful and delicious strawberry cake to celebrate the big event. It was the best strawberry cake I have ever had!!! Yum!

Jeremy told us that he was a pro at cutting cakes. Not sure where he picked up those skills!?!? But he did a pretty good, cutting the cake and getting everyone a piece.

After the graduation celebration, Jeremy and I made a special visit to Nashville to see a special little baby. Mr. Grayson was absolutely adorable and I'm so glad we got to visit him and his parents.

Since the graduation pictures didn't turn out so well (we all looked a little water-logged), we took some family pictures after church on Sunday.

Our visits to Tennessee are always too short. We had a wonderful visit with family and friends!

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