Sunday, July 17, 2011

July Weekend in Abilene

We loaded up our car once again and headed to Abilene to spend some time with MaeMae, Doc, Uncle Big E, and Aunt Sarah!

We had a great time just hanging out and trying lots of new recipes!  Melissa and John got to stop by for a quick visit.

Mostly, it was just some good quality family time!  We didn't even leave the ranch (except for church on Sunday)!

We were ready to leave Sunday afternoon, when Jeremy realized our keys were locked in the car.  The set of spare keys was at home in the drawer where the extra keys go.  Great place!

Ethan, Jeremy and our neighbor, Charlie tried everything to break into the car.  No luck!  They could hit the lock button multiple times, but the unlock button wouldn't budge.  We finally broke down and called a locksmith.  He was there in no time and had it unlocked.  He let us know that Trailblazers have a special anti- theft feature and the car can't be unlocked (using the button) unless someone is sitting in the front seat.  It has a weight sensor. Good to know!  [You know I got in the backseat and reached over to the front seat and tried to unlock it, so I could be sure.  He was right!]

Despite leaving a few hours later than planned, we had a great time!

 Happy camper on the way home!

Quickly became a not so happy camper!

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