The YWCA has been planning a 5K for several months now. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and we originally hoped to plan it some time in April. After looking at the City’s events for the month, we realized that March 28 was our best option.
Our goal was to raise awareness about sexual assault. It was named the 2 Minute 5K, because every 2 minutes a woman in Oklahoma is sexually assaulted.
Lots of planning and preparation went into getting ready for this event. I have never planned a 5K or any other race and neither has anyone else at the YW. We’ll just say it has definitely been a learning experience.
In the days leading up to the event, the weather has been mostly sunny and anywhere from 55-70 degrees, sometimes windy, sometimes not. At the beginning of the week, we began seeing the weather reports that indicated the weather might be a little cool the day of the race. I lived in a world of denial and told myself that OK news reporters frequently over exaggerate and create hysterics based on very little actual weather truth.
Shannon and me By Thursday, I could no longer deny that the weather was going to get bad on Friday night and it would still be bad Saturday morning.
The calls started rolling in . . . are we still having the 5K? did you know that it might snow on Saturday? Did you see that there is going to be a blizzard in Oklahoma? Is the 5K cancelled? You're still having it- how???
I wanted to tattoo- “still having the 5K” on my forehead, as well as put that on all outgoing emails and change my voicemail to say- “Thanks for calling. I can return your call; however I’m sure you are calling to inquire about the status of the 5K and yes, we are still having it- rain or shine, even snow!”
We forged ahead with our preparations and attempted to make the best of the situation. I wish I could say that weather wasn’t too bad, but Saturday was miserable! It was cold and wet and windy and there was no relief! The pavilion we rented was nice, but did not block the wind at all. It took me several hours to thaw out when I got home from the 5K.
Karla and I with the race winners
Karla and me! Do we look cold?!?!
The event planners- Shannon, Karla, Josh and meEven though the weather was just plain awful, I consider the 5K a huge success! We raised money and awareness! And accomplished our goals!
Online registration was available for participants and over 150 people signed up and we raised over $10,000. The day of the 5K, we had about 30 race participants and about 30 volunteers comprised of staff and volunteers. I know the turnout would have been a little better on a sunny, warm day, but that’s okay! Thank you to everyone who contributed on my registration page!
We’ll be back next year for the 2nd Annual 2 Minute 5K (probably in April though)!
For an article on the 5K click
Here are a few pic of Ivy and Winnie playing in the snow at our house!