Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Two Months

Miss Emmeline is 2 months old today!  Once again, time flies.  It's been a busy month for us and Emme has changed so much.

She is doing fantastic at night- I usually feed her around 10:00 or 10:30 and she wakes up somewhere between 4:00 and 5:00.  This is so helpful for this momma that needs sleep!  She gets a little cranky in the evenings, but overall, she's so good. 

Watching her change this month has been so exciting.  She's much more alert and aware of her surroundings.  If you watch closely, you can catch a big grin or a million dollar smile.  It melts our hearts! 

I weighed her on our scales this morning and she tipped the scales at 10 pounds 3 ounces.  We will get the official measurements next week at the 2 month doctor visit.  She also moved up to size 1 diapers during this month!  She's still wearing newborn clothes, but just barely.  She's been in a few 0-3 month outfits, depending on the brand.

She loves playing on her activity mat- she gets so excited and kicks her legs and moves her arms.  This is the best chance for catching that allusive smile.  We couldn't be happier with this little girl. 

I don't want to jinx it, but I'm pretty sure by my 3 month post, she just might have her real deal crib!!!!  Stay tuned for updates!

Sweet Emmeline-

You are the light of our life!  Watching you grow and change this month has been so very exciting.  You are getting so big! 

Your smiles absolutely melt our hearts and we can't wait to see more of them!  You still love taking a bath and you also got to take your first road trip to Abilene.  You did amazing! 

Your Gram, MaeMae, Doc and Pop spent lots of time with you during this month and they can't get enough.  Everyone loves you!

We also took you to church for the first time and you didn't make a peep.  We hope you will always love going to church.

Sweet, little girl- you are so precious to us.  During this month, we also lost our beloved Ivy.  We are so sad about this news and we regret that we won't get to watch the two of you play together as you get older.  But losing Ivy has reminded us how precious life is and we are so thankful for you.  Lately, we've been holding you a little bit tighter and telling you a few more times how very much we love you.  Please know that you are so important to us and we are blessed to be your parents.

Emmeline Clare Walker- your mommy and daddy love you!  God gave us you!


Your mommy

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