On Wednesday night, Jeremy and I left Nashville and started our drive to Oklahoma City. We stayed the night in Little Rock, AR. I’ll mention here that we brought Ivy with us. The hotel in Little Rock (which shall remain nameless) did not allow dogs, so we smuggled Ivy inside in a blanket at midnight. I wish I had a camera to take the picture of Jeremy trying to wrap up Ivy and her little white head poking out of the pink blanket. Looking back, it was pretty funny but at the time I was furious. I’m not a rule breaker and I was so worried that we were going to get caught and have no place to stay! It turned out fine, but I can’t help being a rule follower.
We had a great weekend in Oklahoma. Jeremy met with people at the hospital where he will be working and I checked out the town and we looked at a few homes. We got to catch up with my friend from college, Amanda. We had some delicious sushi and had a great time!

Ivy did so great in our hotel (which in OKC allowed pets and even had a goodie bag for dogs!!!) and really great in the car. She had zero accidents and she didn't even whine! I was super proud of her. But like us, she was ready to get home! She was a little confused by the mirror in our hotel room- I think she thought the Westie in the mirror was going to get her ball!!!

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