We went to the bike shop and listened to the guy give the pros and cons of all the different makes and models. Bottom line- we had no idea what he was talking about. We pretty much just went on his recommendation and loaded them in the car. But not without getting our sexy little helmets and an attachable water bottle!
As soon as we got home, I was ready to ride! Jeremy went inside to change into shorts and I decided to take my first spin around the neighborhood. I walked the bike down our sloping driveway and hopped on. Then, I promptly fell over and into the street and I ended with a little boo boo on my knee! Seriously, I hadn't even ridden it for a second before I fell off! Luckily, Jeremy didn't see. I'm sure there was a nosy neighbor looking out a window that saw the entire incident, but I'll never know, since we don't know our neighbors!

So professional looking!
As an aside, please note that both Jeremy and I are supporting Baylor, despite their unfortunate loss to OSU. We are not fair weather fans (at least me) and we will continue to back the bears! It's a building year . . .
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