It's finally time . . . After all these months, we are moving our furniture, clothes, fridge, washer, dryer, towels, and everything else to Oklahoma City.
It seems like it's been forever since I've sat on my little red couch or grabbed a diet coke out of the fridge. I have been counting down the days until I could cook again and wash clothes (not in a laundromat).

As happy as I am that we are finally getting our furniture, I'm also really sad that we are packing up and leaving our condo. It seems so much more real now. I'm not sure why it hasn't seemed real all these months that I have been living and working in OKC, but somehow, it's just really sinking in now that we have nothing left in Nashville. Except that we do have a condo for sale in Nashville!

I am so extremely, very grateful that Jeremy's company has a relocation package and a moving company handles all of the details. These people are so impressive! I'm fairly certain that it would have taken Jeremy and I weeks to get our house packed up and ready to be moved. Three of these experts did it in under 4 hours!!! Amazing!

It's really awkward, because we kind of sat around while the bustled around our home wrapping up breakables and putting boxes together. That Southern hostess/ lady part of me wanted to shout- "Get down from that ladder, I'll get that for you." But it was their job and they told us that we couldn't really help because we would just get in the way and slow them down.
After about 30 minutes, I was used to it and more than happy to let them pack up!

And that's that. We're all packed up and ready to unload in OKC.