It’s actually kind of nice that I’m leaving- I don’t want to witness all those random strangers traipsing through my home and critiquing my paint choices and wall hangings. And I want to believe that a cute little family will move into our house and love it just as much as I do!

Despite moving quite a bit in my life, I have a strange attachment to the places that I live. I remember after my sophomore year of college- I packed up my things in my apartment and got in my car to drive home for the summer and I looked up at our front door and I started crying. It wasn’t an especially nice apartment or that I would miss my bedroom or kitchen. I just knew that things would never be the same again. I wasn’t going to live with those same girls or walk the same way to my classes. A chapter of my life was closing.

And now, another chapter is closing. It’s sad and I’m sure I’ll cry a little bit, but it also means another one is beginning. We’re really trying to view this as an adventure- some days that goes better than others.
So, this is my last time to blog in my first house and I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get to a computer again. My new housing will be somewhat- transitional, temporary, and primitive?!?! You can look forward to that blog! Ha ha!