Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Important- I need your help!

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Use at Your Own Risk

The great thing is all your washing gets done at the same time. The not so great thing- your clothes never get completely dry.
That means every possible bar or flat surface in our home become drying racks- bar to hang clothes, bathtub sides, over all doors, shelves, counter tops, etc.


Sunday, October 19, 2008
A diamond is forever.

Someone donated over a 100 free tickets to the YWCA, which was a really nice treat for all of our staff. We had a great time and enjoyed singing along to "Sweet Caroline" and "America"- those were the only 2 songs that most of us knew!
We were pretty close in proximity, but unfortunately we were at the back of the stage. So, we pretty much just stared at the back of Neil, the band, and back up singers. But who can complain? The tickets were free.
For someone on the brink of 70, Diamond is a fantastic performer. During the concert, we tried to hypothesize about the "Neil Diamond" of our generation. We were having trouble coming up with anyone. A few suggestions: Justin Timberlake, New Kids on the Block, Britney Spears, John Mayer? Any thoughts???

Tiffany & I

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Bikes and Boo Boos!

So professional looking!
As an aside, please note that both Jeremy and I are supporting Baylor, despite their unfortunate loss to OSU. We are not fair weather fans (at least me) and we will continue to back the bears! It's a building year . . .
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Family Fun in A-town

She didn't win, but she was definitely the best dressed! I might be a little biased, because my mom made her white dress. Doesn't it look awesome?!?!
Ethan & Sarah
Sarah, Ethan, mom and me (I know- I look like total crap.
It was 11:30pm and I had been in the car for 5 hours!).

After lunch and shopping, it was time for the bike riding! My parents recently purchased bikes to prepare for the Red Dirt Challenge (in May)- I'll have more on that later. They showed Jeremy and I the ropes and we took turns riding the bikes. It was pretty fun! I'm sold on getting a bike- I'm not sure that Jeremy is on board . . .
Jeremy, Ivy, and I had a wonderful weekend with MaeMae and Doc. It was so nice to eat some home-cooked meals and get caught up on laundry! My mom isn't the hugest dog fan, but I can tell Ivy is growing on her. She took Ivy out every morning, so that Jeremy and I could sleep late. I think Ivy likes her, too!
Ivy is also crazy about Ethan. He lives at the guest house, right by my parents. Every time Ivy heard the rumble of Ethan's truck- coming or going- she ran to the door and started whining. She didn't want him to go anywhere without her!

Saturday, October 4, 2008
These Shoes Were Made for Walkin'?

A friend of Jeremy's from work, gave him 2 tickets to a VIP charity event (the value was $100/each). Jeremy thought we should go to the event, since we had free tickets and it was supposed to be really fun. I, on the other hand, did not want to go. I was just so tired and the last thing I wanted to do was put on a fancy dress and get all "fixed up." But Jeremy made the argument that we don't get out nearly enough and if it wasn't fun, we could just leave. After going back and forth for 30 minutes, I gave in and started getting ready. Took a shower, straightened my hair, got out the fancy jewelry, etc.
We are running a little bit late, but we figure the event is kind of a come and go. Jeremy's friend had texted him earlier in the day to let him know that she couldn't come. As we get closer to the event, cars are parked everywhere- along the sides of the road, in the grass, it's ridiculous. I'm thinking this must be one heck of a charity event!
But then, I see that no one is dressed all fancy. In fact, some people are not even wearing bras with their halter tops, flip-flops, and cut off shorts. No one is even remotely dressed nicely! Just to remind you- I'm in a little black dress and heels! I tell Jeremy that I can not get out of the car- I'm completely over dressed. After we park our car in a grassy/ dirt field, Jeremy assures me that all these people are not attending the VIP event, as they would not all have paid $100 per ticket. I'm extremely skeptical. After a lot of convincing on Jeremy's part, I finally get out of the car and start walking towards the entrance.
I walked past tons of people- all of them giving me questioning looks. You know what they were thinking! We finally get to the lady directing people and she asks if we are here for the river cruise. No, Jeremy tells her- we are here for the VIP event. Oh- that was last night! WHAT?!?!
That's right- printed neatly on our tickets 10.03.2008! So, we traipse back to our car in our fancy clothes, right past all the people in wife-beaters, tanks, and mini-skirts.
And luckily, I have a wonderful husband, who took me to a very fancy dinner. Not so much free, but really great all the same!